Everyone feels insecure sometimes. Insecurity means that you doubt yourself, the decisions you make or think you should make. You wonder if you are doing things right. You start worrying and are tense. If this insecurity persists, it can lead to a lack of self-esteem and serious problems in various areas of life.
Symptoms of insecurity
Severe, long-term insecurity can, for example, cause you to:
You are guided by what others think of you to determine whether you are doing something right.
Often thinks about how others may judge you negatively.
Thinks something is completely right or completely wrong, without seeing a middle ground.
I don’t think you should make any mistakes.
Constantly compare yourself to others and they always come out better.
You only focus on what you have not yet achieved, rarely on what you have already achieved.
Striving for perfection is a way to avoid criticism or disappointment from others. Being criticized is painful, it confirms your negative self-esteem.
Consequences of uncertainty
Uncertainty can mean that you no longer feel free to do what is important or necessary to you. For example, to say you2018no2019 and to stand up for your own interests. Perhaps you avoid difficult situations or prepare them (too) extensively so that you are sure that nothing can go wrong.
Severe, long-term uncertainty can have all kinds of consequences for your health, social life , relationship and work. For example, uncertainty can manifest itself in:
Fear of failure
Shame and guilt about u2018falenu2019
Problems at work
Relationship problems
Anxiety disorders
A social phobia
Panic and agoraphobia
Eating problems
Psychosomatic complaints
Help with uncertainty
Continuous uncertainty can be a have a major impact on the way you look at life. Your environment can also have a hard time with it, for example your partner, your child or colleagues. Feel free to contact MIND Correlation if you want to talk about your uncertainty. We listen to you and if you want, we can look at the possibilities for help together.
Tips in the event of uncertainty
In order to tackle uncertainty, it is important to gain successful experiences. A successful experience can be that you do what you want to do, even if you are unsure and it doesn’t always work out the way you hope or expect. By experiencing that an insecure feeling doesn’t always mean that something won’t work out, and by experiencing that the world doesn’t end if you make a mistake, you can feel good about yourself and your life again.
What can also help with uncertainty is to consciously focus your attention on what is going well and what your positive qualities are. For example, you can keep a diary in which you give yourself three compliments every day about what you are satisfied with that day.
Sometimes it makes sense to find out where the uncertainty comes from. Does it have to do with your parent’s upbringing or did you have some unpleasant experiences that damaged your self-confidence? If you know what the uncertainty is caused by, you can get to work with it in a more targeted way. In this way, when you feel insecure, you can remember that that feeling belongs to an experience from the past and says nothing about the present.