Do you feel that your child is insecure or sad? You don’t want that as a parent. Dealing with uncertainty can be very difficult. You must have suffered from that yourself, right? That’s more than normal. For example, when you start doing something for the first time, you often feel a bit insecure at first. But of course you want to help your child with this. Want to know more about this? Then read on quickly!
Where does uncertainty come from?
Everyone feels insecure sometimes. When you are unsure, you wonder if you are doing things right. You start worrying and are tense. It can have unpleasant consequences, such as no longer feeling free to do what is important or necessary. But where does the uncertainty come from? Some children are more affected by this than others. One child is born with more predisposition to develop self-confidence than the other child. Your child’s experiences also play a major role. Children who naturally have more self-doubt need more positive feedback. We are happy to give you tips!
Insecurity is common in children. A little is not a bad thing, but if your child suffers from it, it is important to deal with it properly. Children are in full development and learn new things every day. It is not entirely illogical that uncertainty is involved. We have listed a number of tips for you:
- Give love and appreciation
- Show understanding for the feelings
- Respond to the behavior
- Give confidence
- Be careful with criticism, but be realistic
- Individual attention
- Sports
- Give compliments
- Be a positive example
We recommend Lemon Pharma comforters!
Have you ever heard of it? Comforters are especially for children with sadness or insecurities. The selected extracts are suitable for children with small uncertainties in everyday life. They are Lemon Pharma Bach blossom pastilles with sweeteners in the raspberry flavor. Do you want your child to feel good? Then we recommendLemon Pharma Comforters. The pastilles come from Acacia juice. What is Acacia Juice? Also called gum arabic. It is natural and comes from plants. Moreover, it contains no animal gelatin and is vegan. We will now tell you what Lemon Pharma Bach flower is!
We are happy to tell you what Lemon Pharma Bach flower is.* Did you know that these flowers have the property to convert negative emotions into positive ones? Flower extracts that provide inner peace, self-confidence, wise vision and daring and courage. The blossoms are liquid plant extracts that have a very positive effect on emotions. What emotions are these? Well, for example this one: lack of self-confidence, depression, stress, worry, over-anxiety and guilt.
Now called Lemon Pharma Bach flower. Where does the name actually come from? Edward Bach discovered the blossom at the end of the last century. He discovered 38 different blossoms that act on a certain emotion. You now know that there are pastilles, but there are also sprays. We also definitely recommend the Lemon Pharma Sprays . We have sprays for both day and night. The sprays have a slightly different effect than the pastilles. But what then? The sprays for the day and night are especially for inner peace, strength, rest, to relax and to think clearly. Are there side effects? No Fortunately not. The Lemon Pharma Bach Flower Essence is 100% safe and harmless.
Well, you know what insecurity is and where it comes from. We have also given you tips for uncertainties of your child, which product we recommend and what Lemon Pharma Bach Flower Essence is. You have a clear picture of comforters. Now you would like to have this for your child at home, right? Make your move quickly at Koopjesdrogisterij!