I'm there when your Child needs me
Curi Chatbot teaches children to overcome insecurity
If your child is struggling with bullying at school, Curi – chatbot helps them build self-confidence and learns how to respond to negative behavior. With the five transformations, I will guide your child towards a positive mindset and teach them how to take action against bullying.
If your child is feeling anxious or stressed, Curi – chatbot provides a safe space for them to explore their feelings and emotions. Through the five transformations, I will help your child understand their inner voices and develop coping strategies for managing anxiety.
Social Skills
If your child is struggling to make friends or feeling socially insecure, Curi – chatbot helps them develop the skills and confidence they need to connect with others. Using the five transformations, I will teach your child how to listen to their inner voices, identify their strengths, and take action towards building positive relationships.